Thursday, January 30, 2014

Lessons from Mr. Happy

Emery has just begun to discover the wonderful world of the Mr. Men books by English author Roger Hargreaves...and I could not be more pleased:).  They might be my favorite series of children books ever.  Each book teaches a simple message, but with a delightfully adroit use of words that tickles the pleasure centers of my quarter-British brain in a way few children's books can.  I'm sure at this point he is primarily interested in the inflections in my voice and the simple, colorful illustrations.  But he is enjoying them at least enough to have a favorite: Mr. Happy!! 

Isn't Mr. Happy inspiring? I mean, who doesn't want to be happy like him, all the time?  However, I realized the other day when reading one of my favorite lines of this book to Emery, that I think I may be morphing into this merry little man in more ways than I might hope... 

"Mr. Happy was fat, and round, and happy!" 

Oh great.  That's me.

Yes, everything on my body is expanding, and not just my belly.  It's actually rather intriguing to see where I will accumulate fat next.  (Is it possible for elbows to get fat?  'Cause that might be the only part of my body thus unaffected by this pregnancy.)  But what I love about my new, round self is that I am indeed happy.  

Ten years ago, I'm not sure I could claim that whilst carrying 30+pounds on my body.  I love how the longer I experience motherhood, the less I care about the things that just don't matter, the things the ones who truly love me don't even see.  Because my sweet husband doesn't see my saddlebags.  Somehow, he just sees me, his wife who is carrying his child.  And my boys don't see my puffy cheeks.  They just see their mother's eyes and hear her words and know she is there whenever they need.  What a liberating feeling love is! Both the love I receive and the love I give put my mental priorities into perspective and help me see what truly matters.

I love Mr. Happy.  I love that he is able to completely transform Mr. Miserable into a happy person simply by bringing him out of his tree hole into the company of other happy people, including his constant, cheerful self.  What a powerful lesson not just about the influence a happy disposition can have on others, but about love.  People who love and people who are loved are happy.  So simple.  So true.

Maybe for my next FHE lesson, I will just read Mr. Happy.  

And this:

"And it came to pass that I beheld a tree, whose fruit was desirable to make one happy.  

And it came to pass that I did go forth and partake of the fruit thereof; and I beheld that it was most sweet, above all that I ever before tasted.  Yea, and I beheld that the fruit thereof was white, to exceed all the whiteness that I had ever seen.

And as I partook of the fruit thereof it filled my soul with exceedingly great joy; wherefore, I began to be desirous that my family should partake of it also; for I knew that it was desirable above all other fruit."

(1 Nephi 8:10-12)

"And the Angel said unto me: Behold the Lamb of God, yea, even the Son of the Eternal Father!  Knowest thou the meaning of the tree which thy father saw?

And I answered him, saying: Yea, it is the love of God, which sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts of the children of me; wherefore, it is the most desirable above all things.

And he spake unto me, saying: Yea, and the most joyous to the soul."

(1 Nephi 11:21-23)

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Catching Up: Part Three

It has now been  five full days since I took "Christmas" down.  It took me all day.  And as usual it left me feeling dismally wistful.  However, a few years ago I discovered somewhat of an antidote for the empty feelings that tend to come directly following the inevitable removal of all things special and magical in our home.  There are two things, really.  One is meaningful and significant, the other is simply an indulgence designed to distract my mind from the melancholy.  First I go through a planning and goal setting session in my brain and write down some things I want to and think I can realistically improve in myself and in my family.  I'm sure everyone does that.  No big deal. Then...I make something:).  

Here is what I came up with this year: 
A wreath for the rest of the winter.

Fun details.

And now that I have partaken of my post-Christmas blues antidote (and subjected you all to my indulgence), I can freely write about and post pictures of the wonderful Christmas we had without feeling the twinges of sadness I would have three+ days ago.  So here we go!

We started out our Christmas Eve with a delicious meal that consisted of an assortment of dishes representing different aspects of our family heritage. This has become a much anticipated tradition.  (My personal favorite item on the menu is Gyoza.)

After dinner is cleaned up we move on to pajama opening.  

Here Emery is testing out his new nighttime duds. Yup, this shirt cozies up to his face just fine:).

While the boys are putting on their new pajamas (which are always somehow super exciting), we light all the candles on the main floor and turn out the lights, so that the next portion of our evening is lit only by candlelight and the Christmas lights.  It creates a sort of sacred ambiance to the evening, which I love.

  Once everyone is somewhat settled down and ready to be calm for a few minutes, we read the scripture story of Jesus' birth, watch a special movie (this year we watched the new Nativity film that the Church put out), sing Christmas hymns by the piano, and finally end with family prayer.  

And then...

It's time for Seth and I to commence our 5 hours of preparing for Christmas morning.  It is always slightly painful to wake up the next morning. 

Everything ready to go, at 1:30 a.m.

One final look at the tree, in all its glory:)

And a very few short hours later, it is time to allow the hooligans out...

Seth was feeling extra festive this year:).

The boys thought it was the greatest thing ever.

Perfect punching opportunities, obviously.

Emery was just disturbed. 


Cute, happy boys.

Seth changed out of his frightening outfit so Emery could focus on discovering his stocking and giant elephant seat.

Fun gift opening.  I love how such small things will make them so happy.  (Joseph wore these white basketball shorts for the next 5 days.)

Ashton felt so honored to have received a Dad-designed BYU hoodie.

One of my favorite things about Christmas morning is to watch the boys treat each other so remarkably well.  Each of them had made sure to buy one another a gift, and they were all so gracious as they opened them. It was most rewarding as a mommy to witness. How I wish we had more days like that!

BYU notebooks from Ashton.

Now, Emery's gift opening evolved gradually as the morning continued.  He started out requiring a lot of help in knowing exactly what was going on and why he ought to be excited.  Here's his first present.

And here is one towards the end.  Such independence:).
 And appropriate excitement:).

And now for my favorite gift opening moment of the day...

Talmage decided to give Seth a very special gift this year, carefully selecting the wording to be and look just right.  For weeks he couldn't wait for him to open it and see it.  This little moment packed a powerful punch.  And made my heart so happy<3.
Anyone who really knows Seth, knows how perfectly this "award" fits him.  

Even though there are, thank goodness, no pictures of me opening presents, I was greatly showered upon with love from my boys.  And Seth simply spoiled me, again.  I felt so blessed.

And after gift opening...the LONG awaited breakfast.  For Talmage, there is no other meal out of the entire year that compares to this one.  Rice pudding is his happiness elixir, and he typically only gets it twice a year (we also have it Easter morning).  We also served cinnamon rolls, sausages, and Marja Purro (Finish breakfast pudding).

After breakfast we simply enjoyed a quiet and joyful day at home.  No fighting, just peace.  And time for moments like this...*sigh*.

We also enjoyed visits from Grandparents, a yummy Christmas Dinner, basketball at the church, and finally a quickly inhaled spice cream cake to cap off a beautiful, wonderful Christmas day.

I just love Christmas.  And every year when it comes time to take it all down, I experience such a dichotomous feeling of both emptiness and hope.  No matter how fun the day ends up being, I always feel as if I didn't do enough, didn't make it memorable or special enough, didn't help the kids connect with Christ as much as I probably could have.  Those thoughts leave me with a feeling of regret and little sadness.  But then there is the comforting assurance creating space in my heart that there will always be next year.  Christmas will come again and I will have another chance to make next year a little better than this year.  And that brings me hope.  It's kind of like my weekly Sabbath experience.  As Saturday night comes to a close and Sunday morning greets my typically tired mind, I inevitably have feelings of regret and some sadness as I recall my many mistakes of the preceding week.  So much I should not have done/thought/said.  So much more I could have filled my life with, so much more I could have done for others!  And yet, each week I feel the hope and assurance from a loving Father in Heaven that there is always another day, another week.  I can always start again and do better.  And it is all, all of it...Christmas Day and the promise of weekly, even daily forgiveness...because of Christ.  What a beautiful, magical gift.

So, until next year...
O Come, let us adore Him.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Catching Up: Part Two

The other night after the little boys were in bed, Seth, Talmage and I stayed up to watch the end of a very exciting BSC National Championship Game.  They were pretty happy with the outcome, and afterwards on Facebook Seth posted simply, "I love football. So much."  So much meaning in those few words.  Well, that is how I feel about music.  Sometimes, that is all that is required to say.  I LOVE music.  So much.

I mention this to introduce the month of December because if I had to assign a one word theme to this Christmastime it would be "music".  Every December seems to include an abundance of musical obligations and opportunities, but this year was particularly frenetic.  And I loved it:).   Yes, it made things extra busy, but it also provided just the enrichment needed to make it an extra special Christmastime. To begin the Season, Talmage had to fill his Choir concert requirement, so we attended an amazing performance by the American Heritage Lyceum Philharmonic, featuring Daniel Beck and Jessie Funk.  It was so wonderful.  (And I think Talmage developed a slight crush on the charming Ms. Funk.)

Talmage also had his own performance with his 7th Grade Choir that we got to attend.  Cutest. Thing. Ever.

Okay, two things. Depending on how you look at it, 7th grade is either cringe-worthy, or adorable.  #1: Check out the 6'2" 12 year old next to Talmage.  So cute.  He also accompanied the choir on the flute for one of the numbers.  Oh, I hope he is getting lots and lots of love at home! And #2: The sweet little girl with the polygamist hair-do, two rows down from Talmage.  Oh boy. She must be experimenting with doing her own hair. I'm sure I looked much worse in 7th grade.  In fact, if I recall I was that girl, in the tall boy's body! (Okay, I wasn't 6'2", but I was at least a head taller than EVERYBODY).

Though you can't tell, Talmage actually loves choir.  And it makes me so happy!  His favorite number from the night was "Fum, Fum, Fum."

Then my own performances began.  These included a vocal performance for our ward party, two full musical programs with Mindy on back to back evenings (involving violin, vocals, and piano), two performances of a vocal duet for our Ward and Stake, and playing piano for Joseph's 1st Grade Christmas Program (including a short piano solo, which caused the majority of my anxieties...I don't generally do piano solos).  Of course, with 6 separate performances come hours of practicing and rehearsing.  That was actually my favorite part and one of the reasons I love music so much.  Seth always tells me about the "stories" behind many of the games he watches and how these narratives give extra interest and intrigue to the world of sports.  They also contribute to his love of sports in general.  That is how I feel about the musical collaborations I get to do.  They make music fun:).  I love meeting amazing people and getting to know them in the most human way possible, by creating music together.  And I must say, as interesting as the adults I got to work with were, my favorite musical cohorts were the mini people I got to help!  Helping to teach the 1st grade children and interact with them on a consistent basis was pure delight.  They were so sweet and cheerful, it was impossible to feel stress around them.  Six year-olds are so eager to please and so naturally happy, it makes tired, pregnant mommies feel indefatigable.

One of my performances with Mindy was for the Special Forces Veteran's Formal Dinner at Camp Williams.  Seth got to come as my date<3.

My musical obligations ended Sunday evening, December 15th with our Stake Presidency Christmas Devotional.  I must say, the feeling of coming home that night with no other responsibilities for the month was a relief.  However, I must not have felt perfectly fulfilled because a week later I was booking a session with my recording engineer to lay a new track!  Sometimes Seth must think I'm a crazy person.

Now, lest you begin to think our Christmas month was entirely consumed by music, let me share with you the rest of the Season's highlights (minus Christmas; those will be saved for the next post)...

Decorating the big tree.

Emery discovering snow for the first joyful to be a part of :). 

Emery meeting the Grinch at our Ward Christmas Party.  Not so joyful.

He had been sneaking up to the Grinch and running back to me giggling several times, so I stood in line with him so he could sit on his lap thinking he would be thrilled! He loves animals and furry things; I thought this would be a perfect picture taking moment.  Nope!  I guess the green, moving, fuzzy creature was much too frightening up close to appreciate. 

Daddy wanted me to sneak up behind him later to get a non-freaked out picture.

Check out these decorations.  Some people are just amazing. 

 Making cornflake wreaths for FHE.

Barrus Family Nativity.  
(Poor Ashton was in his bedroom with a horrible stomach flu.)

Ashton's class party.

The game station.

And finally, my birthday.
(Sorry about the grainy pictures)

Love my boys.

So there is this Progresso soup that is my absolute favorite non-homemade soup. Chicken Barley.  I haven't been able to find it in stores for about two years.  I check every grocery store I go to, every single time.  I can never find it.  So Seth worked his magic and got some for me for my birthday!! I couldn't believe it! It seriously was the best gift ever.  Not just because I now have a supply of my favorite soup, but because he would go to all the trouble of getting it for me.  I love my man. He really spoiled me this year.  He also got me a really nice pair of cozy boots and made sure each of the boys got me something special.  Honestly, he is the best <3.